Project Safety Net (PSN) mobilizes community support and resources for youth suicide prevention and mental wellness. We are a coalition working on community education, outreach, and training; access to quality youth mental health services; and policy advocacy.Our vision: Young people are empowered, in partnership with the whole community, to advocate for themselves and their peers. Youth suicide is ended. Stigma is non-existent, and high-quality mental health services are culturally relevant, accessible, and well-utilized. We envision a community where youth and young adults feel safe, supported, and accepted. |
Project Safety Net Announcements
updated 6/5/2024
Spring and Summer 2024 activities and events:
PSN’s Letter to the Community
PSN’s Strategic Plan for the Next Three Years
At our February 22nd community meeting, PSN’s CEO and Board of Directors shared PSN’s inaugural strategic plan. Check out the Project Safety Net Strategic Plan 2023-2025.
Summer 2023: teen Mental Health First Aid for teens 15-18
Project Safety Net and allcove Palo Alto are hosting a 3-part teen Mental Health First Aid (tMHFA) training this summer on July 24, July 31, and August 7, from 5 pm – 6:30 pm. tMHFA teaches teens ages 15-18 how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among their friends. If you have any questions, contact [email protected].
- Letter to Parents and Guardians for Youth under 18 – tMHFA July 2023
- teen MHFA One-Pager 2023
- Presentation for Parents and Guardians
- tMHFA_What parents need to know_v1_KB_10.07.2021
- tMHFA_What teens need to know v1_KB_10.07.2021
- Letter from Santa Clara County’s Office of Supervisor Joe Simitian
- 988 in San Mateo County: The StarVista Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Center to Answer 988 Calls in San Mateo County (July 16, 2022)
- 988 in Santa Clara County: County of Santa Clara Launches 988 Phone Number Dedicated to Crisis Mental Health Services (July 15, 2022)
- New number for suicide-prevention lifeline will go into effect nationwide on Saturday (Palo Alto Online, July 14, 2022)
PRESS RELEASE: Project Safety Net Chosen as California 13th Senate District’s 2022
Nonprofit of the Year by Senator Josh Becker
Celebrating May Mental Health Matters Month 2022
PSN joined youth, communities, and organizations across the nation to raise mental health awareness throughout May. Check out some of our community activities and events below!
- Learn about Mobile Mental Health Care in Santa Clara County, the focus of PSN’s 5/31 virtual community forum.
- Read our latest special edition May e-newsletter. Get to know our partners and read PSN Board Chair Reverend Dr. Eileen Altman’s personal message!
Get involved with Project Safety Net and check out our calendar of events for 2022.
- Project Safety Net Calendar 2022 (ver. 9 , rev. 03-04-22)
- Sign up for PSN’s e-newsletter and mailing list for the latest events and updates
Project Safety Net and the City of Palo Alto Joint Letter
Mental Health Matters!
You are not alone. We recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic environment has brought all of us many challenges and uncertainty. Please refer to our Mental Health Resources page.
PSN Stands in Solidarity
- On February 12, over 70 organizations in the region of Santa Clara County and Silicon Valley released a joint message of solidarity. Project Safety Net stands with Asian American community organizations and allies to condemn violence demand action in light of the latest wave of violent attacks against Asian American community members in the Bay Area and nationally. Please read the joint statement here.
- In January, Project Safety Net adopted the Nonprofit Racial Equity Pledge, joining Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits and numerous nonprofits organizations, including PSN partners, in the commitment “to take anti-racist stances in our community, and to incorporate core values of racial equity, inclusion, and diversity in our organizations.” We challenge PSN’s nonprofit partners to adopt the Nonprofit Racial Equity Pledge!
“Suicide in California – Data Trends in 2020, COVID Impact, and Prevention Strategies”
On July 28, 2021, CA Department of Public Health presented webinar on California suicide data trends, pandemic’s impact to mental health, and evidence-based suicide prevention strategies, including to support youth. View the slide deck here.
2018 LGBTQ Youth Report
The Human Rights Campaign Foundation and University of Connecticut released the largest of its kind survey of more than 12,000 LGBTQ teenagers across the nation, revealing the persistent challenges so many of them face going about their daily lives at home, at school, and in their communities. View the LGBTQ Youth Report here.
Recently Released: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vital Signs Report- “Suicide Rising Across the US”
Suicide rates have been rising in nearly every state, according to the latest Vital Signs report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2016, nearly 45,000 Americans age 10 or older died by suicide. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death and just one of three leading causes that are on the rise.
- Vital Signs: Trends in States Suicide Rates- United States 1999-2016 and Circumstances Contributing to Suicide 27 States, 2015
- CDC Vital Signs Fact Sheet- Suicide Rising Across the US
Updated! HEARD Alliance Toolkit for Mental Health Promotion & Suicide Prevention K-12
In September, 2016 the State of California enacted into law the “Pupil Suicide Prevention Policies” requirement, AB2246. This Toolkit has been revised in order to support this law. It is meant to be used as a resource for schools as they implement their Pupil Suicide Prevention Policy.
The content of the Toolkit is drawn from State and National guidelines and from current research and recommendations regarding youth mental wellness and suicide prevention. The goal is to ensure that California schools can participate fully in their broader community’s effort to prevent youth suicide. Information about what schools can do to promote youth mental wellness before mental health concerns arise, how to recognize and respond to a mental health crisis, and how to support a school community after a suicide loss is included. Click here to access the latest version of the toolkit.
“13 Reasons Why” Resources & Information
Project Safety Net is pleased to offer the following digest of resources in response to the Netflix series, “13 Reasons Why.”
13 Reasons Why, Season 2
Santa Clara County Behavioral Health & Santa Clara County Office of Education “13 Reasons Why” Season 2 Notification Letter to Parents and Educators
Pre-Release Statement from Experts on the Upcoming Release of “13 Reasons Why,” Season 2
13RW Work Group
An international coalition of leading experts in healthcare, mental health, suicide prevention, and education called the 13 RW Work Group came together to develop messaging and resources regarding “13 Reasons Why” for parents, educators, clinicians, youth and media to help guide young viewers through tough subject matter. Please visit their website: www.13reasonswhytoolkit.org
Webinar- Responding to 13 Reasons Why: Recommendations for School Personnel
Suicide prevention experts have raised numerous concerns about the television program “13 Reasons Why.” The program depicts the struggles of an adolescent named Hannah who dies by suicide. Many viewers have been binge watching the program which can increase the intensity of their experience. This webinar outlines those concerns and provide practical information for how school personnel can respond to support students who have or are currently viewing the program and provide them with accurate information about suicide and sources of assistance. Specific recommendations for parents and the appropriate ages for youth viewing the program are also shared. Webinar presenters include Scott Poland, Ed.D., professor at NSU’s College of Psychology, a nationally recognized expert on youth violence, suicide intervention, and self-injury and Kathy Espinoza, Assistant VP of Ergonomics and Safety at Kennan & Associates and principal architect of the Kennan SafeSchool and SafeColleges training program. Project Safety Net hosted a community viewing of the webinar on May 31, 2017. To access the complimentary webinar, click here.
- 13 Reasons Why- Resources by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- 13 Reasons Why: A Discussion Webinar- Presentations and Resources via Kognito
- PSN is pleased to share helpful information regarding the “13 Reasons Why” Netflix series, and best practices for discussing the show with your children and community.
- 13 Reasons Why Talking Points co-authored by SAVE.org and the JED Foundation
- 13 Reasons Why Netflix Series: Considerations for Educators by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
- National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)- Additional Resources and Publications
- Responding to 13 Reasons Why- Webinar Slides
- Link to Responding to 13 Reasons Why- Webinar Recording
- PSN is pleased to share helpful information regarding the “13 Reasons Why” Netflix series, and best practices for discussing the show with your children and community.
Project Safety Net News
- Epi-Aid Investigation in Palo Alto Update:
- On March 22, 2017, Project Safety Net hosted a community forum to discuss the final Epi-Aid report, including findings specific to Palo Alto. Presentations from that meeting can be accessed below:
- The CDC Epi-Aid final report was released on March 3rd. It is posted on the Santa Clara County Department of Public Health website with a message from its public health director Dr. Sara Cody. A response to the final report from PSN Executive Director Mary Gloner can be viewed here.
- Epi-Aid Community Coordinating Committee is co-chaired by the Santa Clara Public Health Department and Project Safety Net. The committee represents five jurisdictions: Community, Education, Government, Healthcare Systems and Members-at-Large. The committee’s primary objectives are the following: (1.) Review preliminary and final CDC/SAMHSA reports (2.) Develop and execute dissemination plan for CDC/SAMHSA reports and (3.) Review CDC/SAMHSA recommendations. Download the latest Epi-Aid CCC member list.
- Palo Alto Community Survey: Because the Epi-Aid could not include new data collection in the field, Project Safety Net implemented a community survey in Palo Alto to better understand local perceptions around youth suicide and prevention, which they will share with all partners involved in the Epi-Aid process. The survey reached 1,825 individuals with 1,582 who successfully completed it. Of those who completed the survey, 1/3 were students and nearly 50% were adult residents.
- Youth Conversations: PSN also partnered with the Palo Alto Unified School District and the City of Palo Alto to hold conversations with youth involved in suicide prevention activities, which will similarly be shared with all involved.
- Youth Voice/Youth Advocacy:
- Read Gunn High School’s The Oracle on their “Changing the Narrative” series that tells personal stories of strength, hope, healing and growth. Read Paly student and Campanile Lifestyle Editor, Aiva Petriceks’ article “Changing my narrative: discovering the value of counseling.” Read an op-ed from a Palo Alto teen for Palo Alto Online “Guest Opinion: Unmasking the truth — Beyond the stigma of mental illness.”
- The documentary “Unmasked” created by Gunn and Paly students that explores teen mental health in Palo Alto has been chosen “Audience Choice Winner” at the Student Filmmaker Awards.
- Learn about Paly and Gunn High School’s peer support program Sources of Strength (SoS) and Paly’s LETS Bring Change 2 Mind, a student-led club initiative that allows all teens the opportunity to learn and explore more about mental health topics in a safe and supportive environment. Contact Jonathan Frecarri to get involved at [email protected]. Read a past article on SoS from NPR on why it’s an effective peer support program.
- Means Restriction: Learn about the City of Palo Alto’s “means restriction” efforts to limit access to the railroad tracks. Research has shown that “means restriction” is an important part of a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention. The safety improvements are being done in conjunction with Caltrain. Safety improvements include fence installation and enhancements, vegetation and brush removal, and the piloting of an intrusion camera detection system. Read the latest research study from the Mineta Transportation Institute that reviewed current efforts of commuter railroads to reduce or prevent suicide on railways and discussed preventative activities affecting rail related suicides.
Featured Resources
- Please visit our new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page about teen mental health, our community efforts on teen suicide prevention and fostering youth well-being. Read PSN Partner Meg Durbin’s guest opinion in the Palo Alto Weekly, “Community embraces responsibility to help our youth.”
- What can parents do right now to decrease the risk of suicide in their children?
by Adam Strassberg, M.D. (Guest Opinion: Keep Calm and Parent On)
- How to help someone in crisis
by Dr. Meg Durbin, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, and Dr. Shashank V. Joshi, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, on behalf of the executive committee of the HEARD Alliance.
Featured Websites for Teens
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OutletOutlet is an LGBTQQ Youth organization based in Mountain View, California. As the Peninsula’s only comprehensive LGBTQQ Youth organization, including bilingual Spanish language services, they work with local communities to support and empower LGBTQQ Youth. |
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ReachOut.comReach Out is run by the Inspire USA Foundation. Inspire’s mission is to help millions of young people lead happier lives. |
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ACSAdolescent Counseling Services empowers teens and their families in our community to realize their emotional and social potential through counseling and preventive education. |
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The Trevor ProjectThe Trevor Project is the leading National organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth. |