Regularly scheduled PSN community meetings are on hiatus since 2023. Contact 

Project Safety Net (PSN) Community Meetings feature Project Safety Net updates, collaboration development and coordination work, as well as discussions with youth leaders and community partners working in the areas of youth well-being and suicide prevention. Volunteer/service hours are available to students attending PSN meetings. 

Updated 03-03-23

2023 Community Meetings 

  • Jan 18, 2023 
    Santa Clara County MHSA North County Community Conversation
    PSN and Santa Clara County Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) hosted a community listening session about mental health and substance use services and needs in the county. The input and feedback help inform priorities, programs, and policies in Santa Clara County’s Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) plan. 

2022 Community Meetings 

  • June 28, 2022
    Uplifting Intersectionality and Diversity: An Introduction to SOGIE and LGBTQIA+ Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
  • Mar 30, 2022
    Discover Project Safety Net: The Power of Coalition in Youth Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention
    At this first official PSN community meeting of the year, we heard PSN Board leaders share hopes for community-driven coalition. PSN CEO Mary Gloner (she/siya) presented on PSN’s collective impact, past year’s highlights, and upcoming plans. Meeting participants discussed strategic opportunities for youth mental health promotion and suicide prevention.
  • Feb 24, 2022
    Community Conversation on Santa Clara County’s Mental Health and Substance Use Services 
    PSN and Santa Clara County Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) hosted a community listening session to inform mental health and substance use services in the county and the priorities, programs, and policies for July 2023 – June 2026.
    • MHSA Survey – Community encouraged to participate. Survey is in multiple languages and closed March 25, 2022.

2021 Community Meetings

  • Sept 2, 2021 
    Virtual PSN Community Event 
    PSN Kicks Off September 2021 Suicide Prevention Awareness Month 
    PSN presented community engagement activities throughout September. Participants shared ideas and engaged in a Know the Signs activity!

2020 Community Meetings

  • Feb 26, 2020
    PSN Community Meeting on Be Sensitive, Be Brave: Suicide Prevention
    Partnering with Palo Alto University and Santa Clara County Suicide Prevention Program, PSN hosted Be Sensitive, Be Brave: Suicide Prevention training from 3:30-5:30 pm. Afterwards, training participants had opportunity to stay for a debrief and conversation on the role of culture in suicide prevention efforts.
  • Jan 22, 2020  
    PSN Community Meeting on Partners-in-Action and Community Networking
    At this community meeting, we learned from Director Priya Mayureshwar (she/her/hers) of SKY Schools- BayArea and Program Manager Pedro Rivas (he/him/his) of DreamCatchers. SKY Schools provides students across the Bay Area with hands-on tools like breathing techniques to manage emotions and stress. DreamCatchers mentors students in Palo Alto who are first-generation or come from low-income, underrepresented communities. PSN announced the upcoming culturally-tailored training courses in February and March. Also, Collaborative Action Teams (CATs) are in motion!
    *Please note the updated and official names of the training courses are Be Sensitive, Be Brave: Suicide Prevention and Be Sensitive, Be Brave: Mental Health.

2019 Community Meetings

*No community meetings occurred during March, July, December

  • Nov 20, 2019 
    PSN Community Meeting- Coalition-in-Action: Emerging Partnerships
    PSN hosted a youth leader and a new partner at this community meeting! Annie Reynolds, organizer of Palo Alto History Museum’s Teen Advisory Council, told us more the emerging youth group. Zakia Houston, Program Lead of Substance Use Prevention Services, presented on Alum Rock Counseling Center.
    PSN Executive Director Mary Gloner revealed PSN Leadership Team’s Strategic Roadmap priorities for 2019-2020. Partners were and are encouraged to join Collaborative Action Teams (CATs) for 2019-2020.
  • June 26, 2019
    PSN Community Forum- The Power of LGBTQ+ Youth Voice to Shape Policy and Advocacy

    For Pride Month, PSN intern Max inspired this community forum’s topic to revolve around young people in the LGBTQ+ community getting involved and having their voices heard. Keynote speaker Ken Yeager, former County Supervisor and current BAYMEC Executive Director, spoke of LGBTQ+ history and politics in Santa Clara County. Panelists- Joseph, Gunn GSA; Warren, Paly alum; Diana, Outlet; Matt, LGBTQ+ Youth Space; and Ana, allcove, shared their experiences and advocacy efforts for the youth in the LGBTQ+ community.
  • May 22, 2019
    PSN Community Meeting- Developing a Community of Care
    What does a community of care look like and how do we foster it? At this community meeting, attendees learned about May Mental Health Awareness Month updates and wrote letters of encouragement to youth! The meeting featured panelists from YMCA/YCS’s teen LEAD program, CHC, and Menlo Church. Additionally, Paly high school student Noor, mentored by PSN’s Executive Director Mary Gloner, presented her Advanced Authentic Research (AAR) presentation, “The Importance of Culturally Responsive Therapy for Palo Alto High School Teens”.
  • April 24, 2019
    PSN Community Meeting- Unveiling PSN’s New Mission and Vision Statements
    PSN presented its new mission and vision statements with the help of PSN Leadership Team members and youth in the audience! The community meeting also featured youth partners and podcast creators, Project Oyster.
  • Feb 27, 2019
    PSN Strategic Roadmap Meeting- Defining Mission and Vision Statements
    At this strategic meeting, PSN bid farewell to Rob De Geus (Deputy City Manager of Palo Alto before his departure) who helped establish and chair PSN previously. PSN also invited Amari Romero-Thomas of Mosaic Consulting to take community partners through understanding survey results and drafting new PSN mission and vision statements.
  • Jan 23, 2019
    PSN Strategic Roadmap Meeting- 2018 Reflections and 2019 Priorities

    PSN Executive Director Mary Gloner went over PSN’s move towards long-term sustainability and fiscal independence, updating organization’s mission and vision, and PSN Leadership Team’s 2019 Priorities. Next, participants split into small groups to discuss engaging the community in CAT.

2018 Community Meetings

*No community meetings occurred during March, July, December

  • February 28, 2018
    PSN Community Meeting- Portraits of Mental Health and Well-being

    At this community meeting, PSN featured a special Partner-In-Action presentation by Sarah E. Kremer, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, Board Certified Art Therapist, and PhD Candidate. Ms. Kremer shared her doctoral project involving a collaboration between Notre Dame de Namur University, Acknowledge Alliance, and Stanford University Center for Youth Mental Health & Wellbeing, and led an interactive experiential activity for meeting participants, giving them an opportunity to create their own Portrait of Mental Health using digital tools. The presentation opened up a discussion on the benefits of art therapy, and its role in promoting mental health.

2017 Community Meetings