While tragic, these events are not unique to our community. Suicide clusters occur in other communities around the United States, and estimates are that 100-200 teens die in suicide clusters each year. Teens, in particular, are the most susceptible to suicide contagion, and about 1-5% of all teen suicides are part of a cluster (Gould et, al. 1990; Hacker, 2008). Media coverage, especially front page stories, of a youth suicide, the particulars of the headline, details of the method used, simplistic explanations of the cause of the suicide, or use of the teen’s photo, can be key contributors to contagion (Sarpy County, 2010).
The public health approach to suicide clusters includes intervention, postvention (the strategies utilized to investigate events and educate students and adults in the community for the year following the events), and prevention strategies. CDC guidelines strongly underline the need for a coordinated community-wide response, and community coalitions can “exponentially expand the reach of any effort” (Hacker, et al, 2008). In California, access to statewide suicide data has been made available through a site called kidsdata.org, and this information has assisted communities including Palo Alto in making informed decisions about intervention strategies. Other important recommendations emphasize the following:
- Access to lethal means must be restricted immediately
- Public and media response must minimize sensationalism, avoid unintended glorification of the act or the means, and also include mental health and other community support resources. Every opportunity should be taken to remind the public of the crucial link to mental health conditions such as mood disorders and substance abuse, and that 60-80% of deaths by suicide occur in people who have had such disorders for at least 1 year.
- Immediate evaluation and counseling of close friends, siblings and important adults in the teen’s life should be made available.
- An understanding that no single agency can stop a suicide cluster alone, and that the postvention journey must emphasize prevention.